jkt's blog


What needs to be done for you to use Trojita?

I was thinking that it might be a good idea to share my view on how Trojitá is going on, and what my plans for its future are. For a quick overview of Trojitá, a fast and lightweight IMAP client, please look at the project homepage or see the FAQ.

So, with version out (what a nice number, isn't it?), it's time to take a look at what needs to be done before people can actually use Trojita on a daily basis. For my use case, the following is really lacking:

There are many more issues, both major and minor, and I've filed some of them at the roadmap for Trojitá 0.3 in Redmine. It's very likely that I forgot to mention something, so please, feel free to submit issues and/or comment on what is the biggest blocker for you.

I'm really looking forward to hearing from you, so if you have a minute and this post caught your interest, get Trojitá and write a mail to tell us what is lacking.

All the best,

Got a comment? Feel free to mail them to me!
Tags: gentoo, kde, qt, trojita.